Our staff are here to help you as best they can, they will always treat you with respect and they deserve to be treated with the same respect and courtesy.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any verbal, aggressive and violent abuse and behaviour towards our staff or other patients. We respectfully advise you that abuse and/or violence will not be tolerated.
If a patient or anyone a patient brings with them to the practice is abusive, aggressive or violent towards our staff and/or other patients this may result in you being removed from our practice list.
Video consultations are the same cost as a regular consultation. If you are suffering any flu-like symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, please call the rooms on 03 9331 3122 to move your appointment to to a Video Telehealth consult or to re-schedule.
Dr Paul Froomes is a Melbourne-based consultant physician and gastroenterologist who aims to provide the best in health care for all problems related to the gastrointestinal tract and the liver.
Dr Froomes’ specialty is in diagnosing and managing disorder related to imbalances in the microbial structure of the gut microbiome.
Liver Function Assessment, Hepatitis B & C, Iron Deficiency or Overload
Screening for cancer, management of Coeliac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease
Peptic Ulcer & H.pylori Infection
Triple therapy for B.hominis & D.fragilis
A gastroscopy is a procedure that enables the doctor to see the lining of the stomach for abnormalities. This is done by passing a flexible tube via the mouth, through which a bright light is passed via fibre optics.
Unlike X-rays, a gastroscopy allows the doctor to see the surface of areas directly and can provide far more detail and accuracy than an X-ray.
Colonscopy is a safe, effective means of visually examining the lining of the bowel using a long, flexible, tubular instrument. It is used to diagnose colon and rectum problems and to perform biopsies and remove colon polyps.
The Gastric Balloon procedure used to assist weight loss begins with a soft, expandable silicone intragastric (inside the stomach) balloon.
The balloon is temporarily inserted into the stomach for six months to create a feeling of early and prolonged fullness after meals. This encourages portion control and forms the basis of the weight loss strategy which is combined with a medically supervised program of diet and exercise.
FMT (Faecal Microbial Transplant) uses normal ‘healthy’ human flora introduced into the patients bowel to ‘kill’ the bad bacteria.
The use of healthy human flora appears to be the most effective probiotic treatment available today. Healthy human flora acts as a ‘broad spectrum antibiotic’ against pathogens with the added benefit of being able to implant missing bacteria.
What is FMT Used For?
Blastocystis hominis (B. hominis) and Dientamoeba fragilis (D. fragilis) are microscopic parasites sometimes found in the stools of people who have diarrhea, abdominal pain or other gastrointestinal signs and symptoms.
Eradicating chronic bowel parasite infestation is critical to taking back control of your symptoms and regaining your life.