03 9331 3122 4/8 Eddy Street, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
03 9331 3122 4/8 Eddy Street, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039

Gastric Balloon – PP Diet

For Weight Loss

Post-Procedure Diet

Expectations of dietetic support

  • Dietary education and assessment prior to gastric balloon insertion for post procedure diet and to identify challenges to losing weight during six month phase
  • Planning of 1000-1200kcal per day eating plan
  • Monthly to bimonthly sessions for support and troubleshooting including collecting measurements (weight, waist circumference etc) to monitor progress
  • Final review at six months just after the balloon is removed to offer ongoing weight loss plan

Post-Procedure Diet

  • It is important that you start taking a daily multi-vitamin (i.e. Centrum) and a daily calcium supplement
  • We recommend Caltrate© (600mg) once per day or twice per day if you are female and over 50 years of age
  • Continue to take these supplements for the entire six months that the balloon is inserted as the volume of food you will be able to eat will be restricted and it is important you are consuming an adequate amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Day 1 to 3 – Liquids Only

For the first three days you should consume liquids only. You may experience nausea, vomiting, indigestion or bloating initially after the balloon is inserted and these symptoms may be worsened by solid foods. Your gastroenterologist may also give you some medications to help manage these symptoms. You may also experience constipation so it is important that you consume at least 8 cups of the fluid per day. Options include:

  • Plain water (aim for 1L per day)
  • Skim milk (aim for 500ml per day)
  • Clear broths and soups (aim for 400-500ml per day)
  • Tea and coffee (limit to 1-2 cups maximum as may contribute to reflux and further dehydrate)
  • High sugar drinks such as cordials, juices, soft drinks and flavoured water should be avoided as contribute to unnecessary calories. Diet cordial may be used for some variety
  • Alcohol should be avoided as may contribute to reflux and is also high in calories
  • Avoid carbonated beverages as these may worsen belching and bloating

Day 4 to 10 – Soft Food Only

  • Start to introduce blended and soft food into your diet in small portions
  • Aim for six very small meals across the day
  • Avoid eating and drinking at the same time but do sip some water at the end of the meal to rinse off the balloon
  • Use a smaller plate to control the portion size of meals
  • Eat slowly and chew well
  • Avoid spicy foods and hard fruits, vegetables and meat
  • Continue to aim for at least 6 cups of fluid per day however you may find that you are not be able to drink as much as the initial liquid diet stage.  Aim for 300ml of skim milk.

Suggested Meal Plan – Day 4 to 10


  • 1 Weetbix or 3 tbsp unsweetened porridge with 150ml skim milk

Morning Tea

  • 1-2 tbsp low fat yoghurt, 1 tbsp stewed/blended fruit


  • 1-2 tbsp lean meat/fish/chicken (with gravy)
  • 1-2 tbsp mashed sweet potato or rice
  • 1-2 tbsp soft blended non-starchy vegetables

Afternoon Tea

  • 1-2 tbsp low fat yoghurt, 1-2 tbsp stewed/blended fruit


  • similar to lunch but alternate protein and veggies


  • if hungry have small portion of low fat yoghurt or fruit

 Day 10 onwards – Normal Diet

Transitioning onto a normal diet is dependent on the symptoms of the individual but most people find by 10-14 days they can start to tolerate normal textured foods. Start of slowly, checking your tolerance and then work up from there. If you need to vomit after a meal go back to the soft, blended meal plan from day 3 to 10.

  • Avoid pasta as this may stick to the balloon
  • Avoid smoking before meals
  • Keep a food dairy for the next three weeks before your next dietetic review

Suggested Meal Plan – Day 10 Onwards


  • 2 Weetbix or ½ cup of unsweetened porridge with 250ml skim milk
  • 1 slice of wholemeal toast with low fat/low sugar spread

Morning Tea

  • 1 medium piece of fruit


  • 60g lean meat/fish/chicken or 2 boiled eggs or 1 cup of legumes
  • ½ cup mashed sweet potato or rice/cous cous/polenta
  • 1 cup non-starchy vegetables

Afternoon Tea

  • 1 serve low fat yoghurt (200g)


  • similar to lunch but alternate protein and veggies


  • 1 medium piece of fruit

Physical Activity

Limit your physical activity levels for the first week after the balloon in inserted as this may worsen any symptoms you may be experiencing. You can participate in some light walking 15-30 minutes per day. After the first week aim to increase these levels as tolerated to help contribute to the weight loss effect of the gastric balloon.

This information has been prepared by Diet Solutions Pty Ltd – 2014