For the first three days you should consume liquids only. You may experience nausea, vomiting, indigestion or bloating initially after the balloon is inserted and these symptoms may be worsened by solid foods. Your gastroenterologist may also give you some medications to help manage these symptoms. You may also experience constipation so it is important that you consume at least 8 cups of the fluid per day. Options include:
Morning Tea
Afternoon Tea
Transitioning onto a normal diet is dependent on the symptoms of the individual but most people find by 10-14 days they can start to tolerate normal textured foods. Start of slowly, checking your tolerance and then work up from there. If you need to vomit after a meal go back to the soft, blended meal plan from day 3 to 10.
Morning Tea
Afternoon Tea
Limit your physical activity levels for the first week after the balloon in inserted as this may worsen any symptoms you may be experiencing. You can participate in some light walking 15-30 minutes per day. After the first week aim to increase these levels as tolerated to help contribute to the weight loss effect of the gastric balloon.
This information has been prepared by Diet Solutions Pty Ltd – 2014